I got these from Looky, Daddy. I simply cannot decide which one I love more, so I'm going to post them here and think about it. I'm also contemplating sending him a wedding picture....
Check out his blog for some info on Prop 8 and ways to donate. Unless you are morally opposed to gay marriage and think all of the American infrastructure will collapse and everyone will be living in dens of sin and Armageddon will be nigh if that happens. Then, just don't read my blog anymore....;)
Now is the time to donate. Let your support be known.
Now is the time to donate. Let your support be known.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Because everyone has the right to be awesome.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Caption this!
This is probably going to backfire, because I'm pretty sure I do not have enough readers for it to work....but this picture needs a caption. Seriously.
So come one, come all...two of you. Give me a witty caption! If you occasionally lurk now is your chance! I fixed the settings so you can comment without an account.
Ok, I guess I should go back to listening in class. She appears to be talking about something important. Oops! Did I say that out loud?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Election Coverage
Forget CNN, MSNBC....even Fox news. All I need to know is at 7-election! I stumbled into the Sev one morning in desperate need of coffee, and after I had filled my cup with the nectar of the gods I glanced over a saw a blue OBAMA cup! I was so excited I had to dump my coffee into the new cup so I could have one. I arrived at work happy and chipper, showing off my cup to all who would pay attention to me.
Then I realized that not only did they have these cups but each time you buy one it registers as a vote for that candidate. The first time I checked McCain had about 5 states. Now he's got 3 I think. I love it! AND according to 7-11, Obama will take Virginia. If that happens I will do a jig. Of course, my co-worker pointed out that the reason that Obama has so many states is probably because all of the McCain coffee drinkers are at Starbucks. Hmm. Good point.
So this is what it takes....
...to get me off my lazy butt and post! I've been TAGGED! Hooray!! I feel like a real blogger now. And I have COMMENTS on my last post! Maybe I should get robbed more often! I'm gonna leave my car unlocked tonight baby!
Anyway, Lisa over at Diapers and Wine (which is absolutely hysterical and you should totally read it.) tagged me for sixth of the sixth. Basically you take the sixth photo from your sixth album and give a brief history of what was happening in said photo. I'm slightly disappointed that mine is so boring, but determined to stick to the rules. (jumping up and down and squealing like a school girl "I've been tagged!")
This dull little number was taken back in June when Chris and I went on our very first two day trip away from Wyatt. So the trip was significant....I think it might have even been my first or second post? Anyway, we took the scenic route to Shepherdstown, WV and stopped in Loudon County at Doukenie Winery . It was blazin' hot, but the wine was good and the scenery was beautiful.
Wait...how many people am I supposed to tag? Lisa tagged 4, but 6 seems to be the important number...but do I have six blogs to tag? No...not really. Ok, I'll do 4. Whew. And I SWEAR there will be another post within a day...one with actual pictures and events.
I tag....
And Babies Make Five
Storc Online
Sweetened Taters
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I don't think I'm a great person. Usually I'm not that fond of myself. I have a lot of faults. I leave lights on, I'm kind of selfish sometimes, ok alot of the time. I react irrationally to things that bug me and then later feel really guilty about it. I don't recycle much, and sometimes I screen the caller ID when my family calls.
One thing though. One thing I do is trust people. I like people. Even the ones I don't like, I kind of secretly like because I don't like them and that's fascinating. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, I give them second chances, third chances. I talk a big game if someone pisses me off, but the instant they show any remorse I'm the one apologizing. So when I truly have to face that someone has done something completely and totally wrong, it gets to me-big time.
Without going into major details, I was stolen from this week. Someone who I trusted, let someone who she trusted into my house and subsequently I lost $145.50 plus 6 overdraft fees. I know-it is a strange amount, I'm still figuring that one out. Apparently those type of amounts are supposed to throw you off from realizing you've been robbed. You just think that it is one of your bills. Ah, the life of petty crime. Well these dummies picked the wrong person to work that one on, for sure. I didn't just miss the fact that $145.50 went missing from my account, because it also OVERDREW ME!
So how come I spent about 10 minutes staring at the scanned image of the check on my computer screen, knowing that it wasn't my signature, and yet desperately trying to figure out a way that it made sense without acknowledging that someone was really in my house, and really saw my checkbook lying there, and really and truly went through it, took one out of the middle and went on their merry way?
I hate it when this kind of shit happens. Now I have to start mistrusting everyone, and locking the door. I HATE locking the door. In a couple of weeks though I'm sure I'll find some way to blame it on myself, and I'll start the whole process over again.
Oh well. I guess I'd rather have the occasional inconvenience and live my life believing in basic human goodness than running around being bitter and cynical all the time.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A tale of two lines.
Thursday morning, 11:35am. I dash into Food Lion just to grab some cheese. Of course, I find a couple of other things I NEED among the rubble of the current renovations. (As an aside-the renovations are killing me-no signs, everything is moved around, the aisles are half the size-BUT it might look nice when its done, perhaps they can lure me back from the 'Krops-we'll see.) I'm trying to get across the street to pick Wyatt up before naptime. I hurry to the front to see that only 2 lines are open. I quickly scan them to see which one looks better.
You know where this is going. You've been there.
On the left there are just two ladies in line. The first one is at the end of the checking out process. The one behind her is propped up against the conveyor belt sullenly munching on some saltines that she has opened before buying. Hm. Not a good sign.
On the right there are about 4 people in line, but all with one or two items and the line seems to be moving briskly along.
I feel myself break out in a cold sweat. Which one? I tried the noncommittal route-standing in the middle, frantically glancing side to side-waiting to make that crucial decision as long as possible. But I knew any second someone would walk up behind me and force my hand, which just made the pressure worse.
Finally, I just made a snap decision-to the left. The lady in front was paying, and the saltine woman only had 3 items. It had to move quickly, right? RIGHT? Once I committed I started to have doubts. Then I looked more closely at the lady in the front. Oh no...she was like 80 years old.....and, oh no-the kiss of death, she was paying with a CHECK!!! I felt my shoulders slump as she started digging through a giant purse muttering something about coupons. Saltine lady looked at me, brushed the crumbs off of her ample bossom, raised one eybrow and said "You might want to go to the other line." Crap.
I glance over to the right...and oh miracle of miracles, no one else has moved into that line! And there is only one couple with 4 items in the process of checking out!! Saved!! I snatch up my cheese, hummus and other sundries and as Grandma says "I just know they're in here somewhere!" I triumphantly deposit my goods on the next line and breathe a sigh of relief. I actually beat the line gods at their own game.
But the line gods are cruel and devilish, with minds especially designed for torture. The couple has broken their purchase into two separate transactions. What? Well, still-it will be quick. He pays for his things, and then it is her turn. She just has one item, a box of graham crackers. The cashier rings them up. And then I hear the dreaded words. "These are supposed to be on sale." Sweet Jesus, no. She rings them up again. $3.99. The girl starts to get an attitude. "Oh no, I specifically looked at the sign. These are on sale, 2 for $5." The cashier looks around as if she has no idea where she is. The bagger boy offers to go look for the price and disappears. Minutes go by. He comes back, shrugging his shoulders, no graham crackers in sight. The girl is pissed now. "You can't find them? I'll show you where they are then!" And she leaves, boyfriend in tow. Which leaves me, standing forlornly in the line by myself with the vapid cashier who is twiddling her hair and looking at her nails.
Saltine lady is through. She avoids eye contact with me as she exits. Four more people have mysteriously appeared, and all in that line. They are whizzing through, one after the other and I watch them head merrily out the door into the sunshine. I hate them all.
Finally the whole crew comes back, and guess what? They ring the crackers up again. $3.99. At this point I start clawing out my own eyeballs. Then the line gods decide they've had their fun with me and it is time to move on to someone else. The cashier from my original line has to leave her station to come fix the error and closes her line, and all those people move to mine.
At least there are others sharing in my misery now. I don't feel singled out anymore. The line gods giveth, and they taketh away. And the lesson for the day? Never, EVER switch lines. That's just asking for it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Where's your hiney?
I mean, I'm patting on it all the time, so I guess he was going to learn at some point.
Note the new shoes. He actually picked those out at Target (despite never having seen the movie) and put them on in the store. They've pretty much been on his feet since then. Even napped with him today.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tuesday Toot
Wyatt started daycare in August. Its been slightly scary, but he's done well. Except now there is a kid apparently biting him on a daily basis. But that's another story.
Anyway, I took him this morning-even though I wasn't working-and I had the morning to myself. I don't remember the last time that has happened. I drank coffee, watched The Today Show, did laundry, read my book and played on the computer. It was awesome. I picked him up after he ate lunch and then had the rest of the day with him, and I didn't even feel guilty. I could get used to this.
Oh-and I kept GiGi at home since he wouldn't need it for naptime, and he didn't freak out!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Donna Martin Graduates!!!
The new 90210 on CW: A review in delightfulness
* A new twist on the old opening song. It's updated, it's hip, it's now!
* Kelly has a 4 1/2 year old! Is it Dylan's? Who was she talking to on the phone?
* A guest appearance by Linda Gray-otherwise known as Sue Ellen Ewing?? My joy knows no bounds!
* The mother from Arrested Development as the drunk grandma? Priceless!!
* Kelly and Brenda reunite at the Pit!!
* Andrea Zuckerman's daughter had a brief appearance! Loved the crack "What is she, 30?"
* The PIT lives! And Nat has even learned to use an espresso machine!
* A BJ in one of the opening scenes? This is not your mama's 90210.
* Erin Silver, the high school bad girl with a blog-fabulous!
* Next week promises drama with Kelly & Erin's coke head, drunk, drama ridden Mom!
* The possibilites for appearances by all the old cast are endless!!
Thank goodness. With Charmed, Buffy, Angel and The OC all gone, I was in desperate need of a new guilty pleasure show. This is it. It pulled me out of the deep depression I have felt since the finale of "So You Think You Can Dance." Sunny days ahead.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Emergency Repair
Wyatt has a blankie-A psuedo "taggie" blankie. By psuedo I mean that it is not an official taggie product. My good friend Janelle bought it for Wyatt at the Eastern Market in D.C. and it was handmade. This is a key point because it means I can't get another one just like it.
I think I've referred to the GiGi before. That's what he calls it. He goes through varying phases of attachment to it. He always has to sleep with GiGi and Night Night (his other, bigger, less mobile blankie that just stays in the crib) and some days it just lays on the couch or the floor and then other days it stays in his little hand all day long. It ALWAYS goes to daycare. According to his teacher, he does everything with it in one hand. They can't get it away from him.
I love that he has a special blankie. He's so cute carrying it around, like a little Linus. There are several drawbacks, however. For one, it's freakin' hard to get that thing in the washing machine. It can't be done while he's sleeping of course, and the washer and dryer are in the dreaded BASEMENT which means I would have to leave him upstairs to go down there and wash it-a highly unadvisable activity. Of course it needs frequent launderings as it is covered in a mixture of snot, spit, milk, food and whatever else he drags it through on a daily basis.
The other big issue is durability. The little blankie is tough, but it's pretty worn out at only 20 months old. How is it going to make it 5 or 6 years? There have been multiple repairs already. Mainly the seams come apart around one of the ribbons, causing the ribbon to fall out and a hole to appear. Several of the ribbons have bit the dust-no idea where they are. This morning though, the unthinkable happened! He was yelling "GIGI!" when I went in to get him, but it was in his hand. Then I noticed he was pointing to the floor where the special pink ribbon lay. Oh crap. He holds it by that particular ribbon all the time. Its a wonder that sucker has lasted as long as it has to date.
So I quickly whipped out the needle and thread and reattached it while he clung to my leg and screamed. Not a great sewing job, but should last him through the morning, I hope. Because if we lose that ribbon we're in some serious doo doo my friends. Then I sat down to study and take my first Pathophysiology quiz and lost the quiz only a couple of minutes into taking it. Great. What a fantastic start to the day. Now I'm waiting for the professor to email me back and see if she will give me another chance to take it. The subject of the email was "Mercy!" In the past she has been pretty understanding...but that was undergraduate and now I'm in GRAD SCHOOL (said in sarcastic ooh la la voice) and I guess I'm not supposed to let these kind of things happen.
And I have two hours to shower, go to the grocery store, get this quiz resolved and straighten up before I need to go get him from daycare so that I can spend the afternoon with him and not feel guilty for sending him away.
I only hope that the encore presentation of 90210 tonight makes up for all of this. I have a lot riding on that show. I am in desperate need of a new fluffy show obsession.
8 month portraits with GiGi below when GiGi had seen better times...in the second one you can see THE ribbon. Its the wider, pink one kind of folded up underneath him.
Any suggestions on what to do? My mom is attempting to make another one, but it won't be the same. We're thinking we might start just laying the new one around and washing it with his clothes. I am certain he will reject it. Ideas? Thoughts? HELP!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The power of three will set you free....
When I was pregnant with Wyatt, we had many loooong name discussions. We didn't find out whether he was a boy or girl, so there were double discussions. Actually the girl name came easily, but we bickered and picked over the boy name for a while. I liked a family name on his side, he didn't like it-the other family name on his side I liked his sister had always wanted...blah blah blah. Round and round.
Then one day we were on a long car trip and out of the blue he says "What about Wyatt?" I got ready to turn my nose up and then realized....I like that! Now, Chris liked Wyatt because it sounds tough. It reminds him of Wyatt Earp and Tombstone and Deadwood and whiskey and guns and horses and all that crap. I liked Wyatt for a different reason. I spent about 2 years of my life completely obsessed with Charmed reruns. I came home every day and watched it at 5pm. I recorded them (pre DVR) on our dilapidated VCR. Chris wasn't allowed to talk or walk through the room during Charmed time. For those of you who, sadly, aren't knowledgable about the best show ever-Wyatt is the name of Piper and Leo's baby. He's the first child of a white lighter and witch and is the most powerful magical being of all times!!! How cool is that? Very. I know.
You know how fun it is to torture your spouse in those ways that only you know how to do? People will say, "Oh Wyatt, like Wyatt Earp, a cowboy!" And I reply with "AND like Wyatt from Charmed! A powerful magical being!" Meanwhile, Chris is beside me twitching as his lips thin to nothing. Yes!
Last night we were at the Friday wine tasting at Once Upon a Vine-South and a lady heard Chris call his name and said "Oh I like that name! Wyatt, right? Like the Charmed Ones!" I nodded vigorously and said "Exactly!" Oh happy day! I could feel the annoyance rolling off of Chris in waves. Hee hee!
Of course, I got mine. I was in line with a pretzel chip in my mouth and turned around to do an evil laugh in Chris' face and ended up laughing in the face of some random guy. Pretzel chip all up in my teeth. Nice. It was worth it though!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Is it true? Do blondes have more fun?
There has been a hair evolution in our household.
I gave birth to a dark haired, furry little munchkin baby. (The fur eventually fell off, but we memorialized it for his teenage years)
At 6 months, he was a rotund redhead
At one, we were heading towards a beautiful strawberry blonde...
Now, it appears he's going to go platinum for a while. Seriously, this is the weirdest looking thing. His roots are coming in absolutely white blonde. The ends are still reddish, so its almost like he has reverse roots. Its not the summer/sun/pool thing because its growing in this light. And the ends-that should be the lightest-are the darkest.
I can't wait to see what happens next! Stripes? Neon? Who knows? Right now I guess he'll be my little blondie bear.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Leave the comedy to the bears.
Reasons we lose sippy cups and constantly have to go out and buy new ones:
*They roll out of the car or under the seats where whatever is in them spoils and molds
*They get left at Mimi's or Nana's or Grumps' house. Or whoever else we visit.
*They roll under the coach and into some sort of third dimension where they become one with the cat and dog hair
*Wyatt hurls them to the bears at Maymont.
Talk about embarassing. There were probably 20 or so people standing around enjoying the bears on a Sunday morning. Suddenly something green goes whizzing past my head and I hear Chris shout out "SHIT" loud enough for all the children to hear. Yep. That's our sippy cup in the bear pit. And there go the bears after it. People are whipping out their cameras, pointing and shouting. And of course the mother next to me turns to me with a sickly sweet and concerned, yet subtly hostile, voice and says "I think you should tell somebody, I'm worried the plastic might get in their bellies and hurt them." Yeah lady. My chocolate lab has eaten MUCH worse than that and he's fine. But of course, we feel guilty. In case you don't live in Richmond, the bears at Maymont are a bit of a touchy subject.
We slowly backed away from the bear area and then got the hell out of there. Just what we need-to kill the new bears with an errant sippy cup and end up on the six o'clock news as vilified as the last dumbass parents.
And yes we DID wander around until we found someone official and alerted them to the sippy cup situation-and the fact that Chris may have scarred all the children. She assured us that much worse had happened before and the bears would be fine. Whew.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Divorce Cabana strikes again!
Last week we were in beautiful Oak Island, NC. It was fantastic. Unlike last year- when Wyatt just wallowed in the sand and was generally miserable and ended up with his first ear infection...and wouldn't sleep...and you get the picture. All I have to say is thank heaven for the tubes, because this year he just steadily drained a stream of goopy, snotty looking stuff from his left ear, but no fevers, no pain and no sleeplessness-GOLDEN!
He was not a fan of the sand on his feet or hands though. Luckily we had purchased some water sock thingies in anticipation of hot sand, and he wore those the whole time. The fun came when he would sit/fall on his butt and then attempt to get up without putting his hands down. Hilarious! This is the look he rocked out at the beach.
I suppose if I had been a better mother I would have purchased these things as a matching set. As it was, I randomly grabbed whatever would fit him at Target the week before and the selection is a little slim in August. I know, he looks like Speedo threw up on him. So the above pic was taken the first day when we were very conscious of the dangers of the sun and protecting his delicate skin. Look how we progressed through the week...
Yep. The last day he just sported the swimmie diapear and the ever present socks. Sigh. At least I started off with the best of intentions.
Speaking of sun protection...last year my mother insisted on purchasing "The Family Cabana" from the One Step Ahead catalog. Its a lovely little pop up tent for the wee ones to sit under and protect their aforementioned delicate skin. Unfortunately, once they become mobile there is no interest in sitting, period. On the one day the F.C. was erected, Wyatt enjoyed running through it three times. So I suppose it shaded him for about 1.5 seconds.
The fun thing about the F.C. is not the set up, but the take down. To set it up you just take it out of its little case and it literally springs open. Then you simply stake it down and put the little flag on top. Things change when it's time to go home. Last year when it came in the mail we read the instructions which state very clearly that you should NEVER take the Family Cabana out in public and erect it without having practiced how to take it down. I have a feeling that type of activity could end up in assault, mayhem, and at the very least divorce.
There is a nifty little video online in which a happy mom in a skirted bathing suit and visor easily twists and folds the contraption and deftly sticks it in its bag in 20 seconds, all while on the beach in a minor windstorm. We hate that woman. If either my husband or I ever ran into her we would probably punch her right in her happy face. Last year it took us about two hours, a large string of profanity and 3 bourbon and gingers to get it back down after we erected it in the living room the night before vacation. But we finally got the hang of it.
Fast forward one year. Several times I hesitantly mentioned to Chris that we MIGHT want to review the video again before we went to the beach and got ourselves in trouble. He assured me that he remembered how to take it down and there would not be a problem. HA! As our first morning on the beach came to an end, Chris pulled up all the stakes and moved behind our group. The F.C. resisted all attempts to be contained, springing open time and time again and flying out of his hands. I tentatively approached and offered to help hold it and was told "I need you to stop watching me." I scurried back a few feet and averted my eyes as long as I could.
Meanwhile, the family next to us has turned all their chairs to the side and are literally slapping their knees and laughing hysterically as they watch Chris getting more and more pissed. To make matters worse his bathing suit is refusing to stay up and his butt crack-glistening with the sweat of hatred and righteous anger-keeps popping out to say hello and he has to put the stupid thing down-where it promptly springs open, fully assembled-to pull up his pants.
At this moment a random two year old runs down the beach and grabs up one of the stakes and begans running around our group brandishing it while his mom chases him saying "No, no no NO NO NO!" Susan, a friend of my niece's, pipes up with "Oh look, The Divorce Cabana comes with weaponry!" I take note and gather up all the stakes before Chris can see them and get any ideas. (Its not until later that the hilarity of that statment hits me) He didn't notice, however, because at this point he has hurled the F.C. with all of his strength up into the dunes, where it-of course-springs open. He then stomps up into the dunes and drags it back down onto the beach where he begins standing on it and trying to actually snap it in half as his butt crack starts creeping out again. Stupidly, I approach again and he snarls "I CAN'T EVEN F***ING BREAK THE THING!" I calmy suggest that we just fold it up and put it under all the other crap in the wagon to get it back up to the house and that idea was summarily dismissed. I crept away again and finally he forcibly bent it enough to get it into the bag where it remained the rest of the trip.
As Wyatt and I trudged up the beach for home the matriarch of the clan watching us stops me and says "Honey, your husband just made our whole day!" Great. Happy to be of service.
Overall though, it was a successful trip. Lots of good food, lots of naps and trashy novels. Erin and I found a 2 story Christmas shop in Southport. I love a Christmas shop at the beach. I don't know why, because I'm generally opposed to anything Christmasy showing its face outside of the end of November to January 1. My one exception is a beach Christmas shop. This one had lots of great nooks and crannies, but also had a very disturbing bedroom set up with The Claus'.
Scary right?
There was also a Pirate themed night complete with temporay tattoos, plastic cutlasses, and pirate grog (pomegranate martinis) sipped from pewter pirate goblets.
Wyatt was in bed for the last two.
Here's one normal family picture. Well, Chris and I look pretty good, Wyatt was angry. The first two were really good of him, but Chris was coughing or picking his butt or something and messed them up. So here is us happy with our unhappy child. Yay vacation!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
First Day at Kindercare
I have been bad, no posts in forever. I have lots to post about. We went to the beach, yay! School starts Friday, boo! Wyatt started daycare, ouch! More to come.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
He's a maniac...maniac with bubbles....
So we had tried the bubbles before with the inferior, wimpy bubble wand that comes in the little container. It was entertaining for about 2.5 seconds. Then on Sunday we went to our friend's house and THEY had the giant bubble wands with the trays. Madness ensued. The bubble fun ended when Wyatt whacked Alex in the face with the wand and caused a minor meltdown. But guess who learned the word "bubble?" And repeated it over and over again all the way home?
I like how in this first one he looks like he's brandishing a sword.
This is my favorite...
And the expression in this one is priceless...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I LOVE the commercial for the Swiffer/Sweeper mop thingie where the mop and broom are singing "Baby come back" in the grocery store. Makes me laugh, everytime.
What does this mean? Today Wyatt took his diaper off, went all the way through the house to his room and put it in the diaper pail. Does this mean anything? Because, I don't think I'm ready.
Is it weird that he screams for a clementine and then just bites through it like an apple and walks around with orange rind in his mouth for hours? And never actually eats the fruit?
Coordinating daycare with a semi-sick baby, twelve hour shifts, potential jury duty and a sick babysitter sucks a big one.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I heart this woman.
I absolutely love this post on Mom Logic! Even more fabulous than the witty top 10 are the REACTIONS!!!! Oh, it made me positively gleeful reading them. Enjoy!!
Go for broke....
Has anyone ever noticed that it is impossible to get out of Sam's Club without spending $200? I go for diapers, juice, bananas....I end up with those things plus a swimsuit, 3 books,1,000 packs of Splenda, clementines, an exorbitant amount of chicken......I mean it is definitely good deals, but $221? Did I need all that? Oh well.
Since I haven't posted any pics in a while...here is Wyatt at The Children's Museum in the Backyard. Everytime he filled the bucket up with water he would tell the spray "Thank you!" then promptly dump it on himself.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Basement Update
The dumpster is full of couches and loveseats. Other things found so far in the Great Basement Cleanout '08
Chris' letterman jacket
A bag of hideous ties presumably belonging to Chris' grandfather at some point
The f**king cocunut monkey
Several shoes, none matching
42 lbs of dog/cat hair.
Dead spiders
Live spiders
A diet coke still in a coozie, a swallow left
The "Star Blazers" series on VHS
Parts to the 1968 Lincoln Continental (with suicide doors!) in a Saxon Shoe bag
32 pens (from my scrubs in the laundry)
Scattegories (damp, cards missing)
My maternity underwear (why can't I wear underwear that comes up to my boobs all the time??)
A vat of used grease from the turkey frier circa Thanksgiving 2006
Gnawed on kindling (apparently used by the dogs as entertainment)
Petrified dog turds
4 year old Oktoberfest entry tickets
Nun beer bottle opener
A few of these...much less than we anticipated...
Unfortunately, none of this type of flea..
Now that would have been a find.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Itchy itchy, scratchy scratchy.
Um...I can't even believe I'm going to admit this. We have an infestation. A flea infestation. I feel like I might be losing my mind. Let me just get the facts straight. Right now the little sh**heads are confined to the basement, which is a vast, unlivable wasteland. Kind of like a yawning pit of hell located beneath the place where we merrily live our day to day lives.
It wasn't always that way. Its unfinished, but huge. There is a fireplace, a cement floor. Some dampness, mustiness, just a basement. It used to be the party room. We had people over, we went to the basement. We had stereo down there, party lights, a bar...all of my husband's furniture from his apartment, plus the creepy coconut monkey from his childhood that I wouldn't allow upstairs. We let people smoke down there...we even had the plastic donkey cigarette dispenser that shoots lung darts out of its butt. It was a little link to our past single, partying life. One end housed "stuff" that we had no place for when we started our married life. The other end was "The Man Hole". Then someone gave us a pool table, and another old sofa, and another, and one more. Oh and a recliner, and a chair. Chris happily accepted all of these "gifts," gleeful about his expanding domain and heady with the possibility of parties and sports events and Playstation championships to come.
So guess what happened? We had a baby. Bye bye party room. Bye bye people coming over to hang out. Bye bye life as we knew it. Oh and bye bye kitties. You can just live in the basement, with all of the other things we've discarded!
And so....neglect ensued. I would creep down there, through the path of boxes, baby swings, infant seats...a cat teetering on top of an ancient matress above my head..duck the larger than life hairballs...shriek as I saw a bevy of spider crickets heading my way and quickly toss some laundry into the machine, grab a roast out of the deep freeze and dart back up the stairs as if the hounds of hell were pursuing me.
There have been discussions. We have to do something about the basement. Perhaps a yard sale? When? How? We have an 18 month old who would perish 23 different ways given 5 minutes down there. So we chose to ignore. We're very good at this. Until last week when during the mad dash we were both attacked...by fleas. Then my super mom freak out switch was flipped on, big time. A HOTEL ROOM! WE HAVE TO RENT ONE TONIGHT! LET'S JUST BURN THE F***ER DOWN AND CUT OUR LOSSES, WE HAVE INSURANCE! Instead, we settled on a flea bomb and an afternoon at family's, plus dinner out a Joe's Inn. The result? Instead of a frantic mob of fleas, there are one or two sluggish, drunk fleas that wanly cling to one leg and put up little resistance to being plucked off and rinsed down the drain. But I know they're down there...plotting...and regrouping.
Tomorrow's Saturday. I'm off. It will be nice, we have a pool memebership. No, none of that for us. Instead we will be filling up the RENTED DUMPSTER that arrived yesterday afternoon-with much squalling of tires and back up beepers during nap time, mind you-with all of the crap. I guess its a good thing. I'm trying to see the silver lining. Its forced us to face this formitable foe that we've avoided so long. I hope we survive to tell the tale. Wish us luck.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Triangle Butt
Wyatt is often naked in our house. This is partly because we find him so cute running around in the buck, and partly because of the diapering war that takes place with each changing. I mean it is rough. We're talking screaming, back arching, hip twisting, kicking, dramatic crying...total nightmare. Good thing those diapers hold a lot because we basically let it go until that sucker is dragging the floor.
So Friday morning Wyatt was naked in his room-removing the diaper is easy, then we kind of have to gear up for the fight-and he was very busy playing with the laundry basket. He had his shape sorter bucket and various shapes, plus a cow and a ball or something and was putting them in and taking them out of the basket, then he got in the basket with all of the toys. He's squatting down playing, then stands up-and I'm like..what is that? Apparently he was hovering over a blue triangle from the shape sorter bucket and when he stood up his little butt-cheeks gripped it by the tip, so he's got this blue triangle hanging out of his butt!!! He is completely oblivious, tinkering with his other toys...I laughed so hard I think I peed a little bit. Thank goodness Chris was there to see it too...if we'd only had a camera.
So that was our 4th of July. That and a visit to the Children's Museum-then naps for everyone. I made some fantastic burgers for that night. No fireworks for us, just stayed in and watched a movie.
Bleu Cheese Burgers
2lbs ground chuck
2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp tobasco or hot sauce
1 tsp red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
1 clove crushed garlic
6 oz. bleu cheese
Mix everything but the cheese together, form patties around the cheese and grill. Delicious!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
so yeah...
I've had 2 Manhattans, and all I have to say is I LOVE "So You Think You Can Dance!" I love it!!!! LOVE IT! I want to be on the hot tamale train....
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Tuesday Toot
Well, I FINALLY got some help around here. It's about time. Now if I can just get him to wash dishes and bring Mommy wine, we'd be golden.
In other Tuesday Toot news, I survived working two nights...Friday and Saturday, then turning around and coming back Monday morning. And yes, those are all 12 hour shifts. Not sure how I did that to myself. But I'm still standing (barely)
to talk about it. Oh and my mom is here and she's cleaning my oven, which is super exciting!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Poop Patrol
I've come to the realization that my life revolves around poop. I wonder if this is what my parents envisioned for me when they sent me off to UVA at 18. "Ah yes...one day our precious daughter will be the master of poo!"
I mean, I know all mom's deal with poop on a day to day basis. "Did he poop today? What did it look like? Was it soft, hard, brown, yellow?" We had more than our fair share of this due to some issues Wyatt had the first 6 months of his life. At that time he was going 9-10 times a day, explosive crazy poops that shot all the way up his back and rolled out of the neck of his little onesies...so not only was I obsessed with poop, I was constantly laundering poop. (FYI, I plan to blog about this at some point, my labor/delivery and first six months experience are the reasons I started this blog...I just haven't gotten up the energy to chronicle it yet.)
Then there's my job. I'm a nurse, on a general medicine floor...so when I walked in tonight I had one patient with diarrhea, and another with constipation...and several who can't get to the bathroom without assistance. So before I know it, I'm collecting poop in jars, wiping butts, giving enemas, and shuttling people to and fro left and right! Its like Cartman..."How come everything has to do with something going in or coming out of my BUTT??"
I love that episode of Scrubs where they do the poo song...this is pretty much my life. "All across the nation...we trust in defecation!" I LOVE IT!
So even when I'm at work I can't escape the poop. Poop at home, poop at work. And get this...Wyatt's issues are all straight now, but I still obsess over it a little, old habits are hard to break..but recently I caught him actually eating a little turdlet that fell out of his diaper! So then I had to deal with POOP BREATH! ARGH!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Steal the binkie!
We had a playdate with Wyatt's best bud Gavin today. They're exactly 9 weeks apart and now that Gavin is walking they are on equal ground! Wyatt has never really had an affinity for the binkie (the Gi Gi is another story) but he seems enamored with Gavin's.
Some cute shots of them afterwards.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thanks Hilary!
Thanks to Hilary for my new look! Now I feel "official!" See the tag on the side for her info!
Don't call PETA
Oh look! It's the nightly torturing of the animals!
Can you see the pissed off expression in the cat's glowing eyes as he loves up on her?
Samspon, on the other hand, takes a more pitiful approach...
Please...please make it stop....
Fine...I give up.
Ok, well got my purse around my neck and my shopping bag...time to go! (as he waves bye bye and heads to the door)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday Toot
I found the blankie!!! Or "Gi Gi" as its referred to around these parts.
We went out to two places...the daycare center to register Wyatt for the fall and the pool to check out registration info. I remembered having it at the daycare...and that was it. After we got home, there was some lunch and then it was time for nap...then it started..."Gi Gi? Gi Gi? GI GI!!??!!" I was in full panic. It was nowhere to be found. After about 23 pointless circles from the house to the car, through the bag again...it was nowhere. I called the center, they remembered me leaving with it...called the pool, they were useless. Finally we just got in the car to retrace our steps. All of a sudden I see the blankie from the main drag...IN THE PARKING LOT of the daycare center. I ran all up over the curb making a sharp turn from the street into the parking lot. Glad there were no kiddies in the parking lot. But we had it! And the day...and naptime...were saved. Hoorah!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Its a Bunnytown life....
Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary, and it was a fabulous day. There weren't any fancy dinners, presents or even cards...but I spent the day with my two favorite people, plus got to see some old friends.
We checked out the new Southside Farmer's Market at Forest Hill Park. Its only been open a couple of months, so we weren't expecting the tents and crowds we saw...it was extremely cool, even more so when we got some free BBQ samples and a chorizo/egg breakfast burrito from Celito Linda-that's what I'm talking about. Weekend calories don't count when you're dieting, in case you didn't know. Furthermore, if its your anniversary its actually negative calories. So by my calculations I should have lost about 5lbs yesterday.
Then we....dum da dum....JOINED A POOL! Which means I have to frequently wear a bathing suit, but at least I'm around a bunch of other mom's and I can just ignore the little hard bodied lifeguards. They're like 12 anyway. Anyway, I'm absurdly excited about this. The pool is great, they have 3 different pools, snack bar, all kinds of events and its in the neighborhood where we eventually want to live. This was Wyatt's fist pool experience and he enjoyed himself a great deal. Before he got his "pool legs" he kept tipping over, but then he got it down and spent all kinds of time climbing in and out, splashing, and for some reason trying to drink the water out of the little toy crate in the pool. Silly baby. But you know, I really want to jump off the diving board and go down the slide. Am I too old for this now? Is it unseemly? Is it just my job to stand around in a be-skirted bathing suit with my hands on my hips and occasionally stop to apply sunblock?
So after all this excitement it was definitely time for a nap..for all 3 of us. In my world a perfect day just isn't complete without a little afternoon snooze. That out of the way, we went to my friend Jennie's client appreciation party on the river. There was a band, a moonbounce (didn't let Wyatt in that), more calorie free food and tons of friends we never get to see anymore because we have no life. Oh and a huge rainstorm just to keep things exciting. Wyatt ate about 14 hotdog buns. He apparently inherited my love of carbs. I got to see an old co-worker of mine and his super delicious 6 month old baby girl. Adorable! Definitely gives me the itch for another.
I think this one was about my 3rd beer. My 3rd calorie free Legend Lager that is.
After the munchkin went down, we finished off the bottle of wine we opened Friday and watched "Superbad" on our new HD Starz on Demand channel. Niiiiiice! By the way, here is Chris' sock as I found it on Friday night. Yes, its stuck to wall. And you can still see the imprints of his toes in it. This is what I've been married to for 5 years. And I've loved ALMOST every second of it!