Thursday, September 4, 2008

Emergency Repair

Wyatt has a blankie-A psuedo "taggie" blankie. By psuedo I mean that it is not an official taggie product. My good friend Janelle bought it for Wyatt at the Eastern Market in D.C. and it was handmade. This is a key point because it means I can't get another one just like it.

I think I've referred to the GiGi before. That's what he calls it. He goes through varying phases of attachment to it. He always has to sleep with GiGi and Night Night (his other, bigger, less mobile blankie that just stays in the crib) and some days it just lays on the couch or the floor and then other days it stays in his little hand all day long. It ALWAYS goes to daycare. According to his teacher, he does everything with it in one hand. They can't get it away from him.

I love that he has a special blankie. He's so cute carrying it around, like a little Linus. There are several drawbacks, however. For one, it's freakin' hard to get that thing in the washing machine. It can't be done while he's sleeping of course, and the washer and dryer are in the dreaded BASEMENT which means I would have to leave him upstairs to go down there and wash it-a highly unadvisable activity. Of course it needs frequent launderings as it is covered in a mixture of snot, spit, milk, food and whatever else he drags it through on a daily basis.

The other big issue is durability. The little blankie is tough, but it's pretty worn out at only 20 months old. How is it going to make it 5 or 6 years? There have been multiple repairs already. Mainly the seams come apart around one of the ribbons, causing the ribbon to fall out and a hole to appear. Several of the ribbons have bit the dust-no idea where they are. This morning though, the unthinkable happened! He was yelling "GIGI!" when I went in to get him, but it was in his hand. Then I noticed he was pointing to the floor where the special pink ribbon lay. Oh crap. He holds it by that particular ribbon all the time. Its a wonder that sucker has lasted as long as it has to date.

So I quickly whipped out the needle and thread and reattached it while he clung to my leg and screamed. Not a great sewing job, but should last him through the morning, I hope. Because if we lose that ribbon we're in some serious doo doo my friends. Then I sat down to study and take my first Pathophysiology quiz and lost the quiz only a couple of minutes into taking it. Great. What a fantastic start to the day. Now I'm waiting for the professor to email me back and see if she will give me another chance to take it. The subject of the email was "Mercy!" In the past she has been pretty understanding...but that was undergraduate and now I'm in GRAD SCHOOL (said in sarcastic ooh la la voice) and I guess I'm not supposed to let these kind of things happen.

And I have two hours to shower, go to the grocery store, get this quiz resolved and straighten up before I need to go get him from daycare so that I can spend the afternoon with him and not feel guilty for sending him away.

I only hope that the encore presentation of 90210 tonight makes up for all of this. I have a lot riding on that show. I am in desperate need of a new fluffy show obsession.

8 month portraits with GiGi below when GiGi had seen better the second one you can see THE ribbon. Its the wider, pink one kind of folded up underneath him.



Any suggestions on what to do? My mom is attempting to make another one, but it won't be the same. We're thinking we might start just laying the new one around and washing it with his clothes. I am certain he will reject it. Ideas? Thoughts? HELP!

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