Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Because everyone has the right to be awesome.

I got these from Looky, Daddy. I simply cannot decide which one I love more, so I'm going to post them here and think about it. I'm also contemplating sending him a wedding picture....

Check out his blog for some info on Prop 8 and ways to donate. Unless you are morally opposed to gay marriage and think all of the American infrastructure will collapse and everyone will be living in dens of sin and Armageddon will be nigh if that happens. Then, just don't read my blog anymore....;)

Now is the time to donate. Let your support be known.

Now is the time to donate. Let your support be known.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Caption this!

This is probably going to backfire, because I'm pretty sure I do not have enough readers for it to work....but this picture needs a caption. Seriously.


So come one, come all...two of you. Give me a witty caption! If you occasionally lurk now is your chance! I fixed the settings so you can comment without an account.

Ok, I guess I should go back to listening in class. She appears to be talking about something important. Oops! Did I say that out loud?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Cute heads!!



Monday, October 13, 2008

Election Coverage

Forget CNN, MSNBC....even Fox news. All I need to know is at 7-election! I stumbled into the Sev one morning in desperate need of coffee, and after I had filled my cup with the nectar of the gods I glanced over a saw a blue OBAMA cup! I was so excited I had to dump my coffee into the new cup so I could have one. I arrived at work happy and chipper, showing off my cup to all who would pay attention to me.

Then I realized that not only did they have these cups but each time you buy one it registers as a vote for that candidate. The first time I checked McCain had about 5 states. Now he's got 3 I think. I love it! AND according to 7-11, Obama will take Virginia. If that happens I will do a jig. Of course, my co-worker pointed out that the reason that Obama has so many states is probably because all of the McCain coffee drinkers are at Starbucks. Hmm. Good point.

So this is what it takes....

...to get me off my lazy butt and post! I've been TAGGED! Hooray!! I feel like a real blogger now. And I have COMMENTS on my last post! Maybe I should get robbed more often! I'm gonna leave my car unlocked tonight baby!

Anyway, Lisa over at Diapers and Wine (which is absolutely hysterical and you should totally read it.) tagged me for sixth of the sixth. Basically you take the sixth photo from your sixth album and give a brief history of what was happening in said photo. I'm slightly disappointed that mine is so boring, but determined to stick to the rules. (jumping up and down and squealing like a school girl "I've been tagged!")


This dull little number was taken back in June when Chris and I went on our very first two day trip away from Wyatt. So the trip was significant....I think it might have even been my first or second post? Anyway, we took the scenic route to Shepherdstown, WV and stopped in Loudon County at Doukenie Winery . It was blazin' hot, but the wine was good and the scenery was beautiful.

Wait...how many people am I supposed to tag? Lisa tagged 4, but 6 seems to be the important number...but do I have six blogs to tag? No...not really. Ok, I'll do 4. Whew. And I SWEAR there will be another post within a day...one with actual pictures and events.

I tag....

And Babies Make Five

Storc Online


Sweetened Taters